Looking for a housekeeper for the Reykjavik Peace Center guesthouse (Orlofshús Friðar 2000). This is a part-time job for someone that is living nearby or a person that would have accommodation in the house and exclusive use of one of the rooms.
The house has 3 kitchens, several lounges, library and reading areas. Perfect place for someone working from home. Suitable for a single person or a couple but not a family with children. This is a part time job, rooms are attended around noon after guests departing that day have checked out and before new guests arrive. We use self service check-in so guests can arrive any time using key codes.
The housekeeper is an independent contractor (verktaki) and is paid a fixed fee pr. check-in for looking after the house including cleaning house and rooms, changing bedsheets, managing the online reservation system and guest relations. English language is essential.
Convenient central location in a peaceful area of Reykjavik originally built for artists homes and studios. Surrounded by green areas next to a garden of art displays. Ideal place for relaxation, walks minutes away from the Mjodd buscentral and shopping area. As short drive from from Smaralind the largest shopping and leisure centre in the Reykjavik area. Connecting roads to major travel directions.
Link to see the location (Vogasel 1, 109 Reykjavik)